Hosted Exchange

icn-email Hosted Exchange gives you control of your email system without the complications and expense of managing your own email server. For a low monthly, per-mailbox fee, you get unlimited storage and the ability to easily manage user services.  Spam and virus protection is embedded in every hosted mailbox so you also get enterprise-grade security built right in.

Business Disaster Recovery

cloud-recoveryOur BDR solution stores all your all of your business information and systems both on a local server appliance and in one of Axcient’s datacenters.  If your server fails for any reason you can be up and running on the BDR onsite appliance or fail-over a virtual copy of your server in the cloud.

Off-site Back-up

cloud-backup24×7 Computer teams with leading cloud-based back-up providers to offer affordable cloud-based back-up solutions for safe-guarding your data in the event of on-site disasters

Cloud-based Applications

cloudAs businesses move the applications to the cloud Doctor Computer can help by offering cloud-based application hosting solutions. Cloud-based Services solutions can transform the way IT services are delivered to your business enabling you to save on hardware and maintenance costs while enhancing system capabilities and reducing down-time.

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